help for children

Am I welcome here?

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

Hi there, and welcome 🙂

If you’ve been bullied it is understandable if you feel a bit scared or nervous, or wonder if you belong. You might even wonder if you are welcome here. Let me reassure you that I am so very glad that you found this safe place online, and are looking for help. If you are nervous, just know that no matter who you are, I think that you are very important, and you will only find support, kindness, care, respect and love here. This is a safe place for you and you are definitely welcomed and cared for here. I am a ‘grown up’ and I was bullied as a child. Now that I am an adult I want to help kids and teenagers (and adults) who are still going through bullying or the effects of bullying because I know how bad it can feel, and how confusing it is to try to understand what is happening to you. Even if you don’t know what to do or who to talk to, you can come here and find encouragement and advice. Please know that you are very important and special and nobody has the right to make you feel bad. I hope to share with you some of the things that helped me, and encourage you that there is help for you and you matter.